Search Results for: medical marijuana

The California Legislature  on Monday approved a bill BSB-1127] that would allow California students to use medical marijuana on school campuses. California state law has allowed minors access to medical marijuana since the 1990s but so far has prevented school campuses from permitting usage. Parents would have to take their children off school grounds in [...]


JURIST Guest Columnists James G. Hodge, Jr., Jennifer Piatt, Sarah Wetter, and Alexandra Hess of the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law, Arizona State University discuss the recent reversal of long-standing guidance from the Obama Administration on federal marijuana enforcement......


Virginia's Senate approved legislation on Monday allowing doctors to prescribe oils containing mostly non-psychoactive cannabis extracts, making Virginia part of the majority of states to approve medical marijuana. The bill was approved unanimously in both the state house...


US Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Thursday that previous policies of non-interference with states that have legalized marijuana are "unnecessary" and called on US attorneys to enforce the Controlled Substances Act. Sessions has indicated that US attorneys...


Here's the domestic legal news we covered this week: The parties involved in challenging President Donald Trump's travel ban order filed letter briefs with the US Supreme Court Thursday addressing whether the issue is moot in light of Trump's September...